Today is a quick entry.
I am current tracking back up to the galactic plane, and heading towards what appears to be a dense cluster of neutron stars and black holes. I'm sure I will find some already discovered but the field is dense so I am hoping for some new finds here.
While I was plotting my route I noticed a particularly large star so took a small detour to take a look. Dropping out some 370ls from the main star, I did not expect to see a second star in a fairly close orbit to the first.
It is actually quite hard to spot head on (I'm pointing straight at it...)
So I moved around the edge somewhat in order to show this second star. As a comparison, this companion star is slightly smaller than Sol. Although based on where it currently lives I would imagine significantly hotter!
I have reached the edge of the non-sequence cluster so the next couple of posts will chart my journey through this field. It is only a minor diversion from my planned track but already feels very much like the forces of creation and destruction are hard at work here.
The primary gravitational object here is a black hole. I now know when I get back her stable mate will be getting a much darker paint job...
Cheeky last minute update. I have just set course for a carbon star, it will be the first I have ever seen!
Rikk, Signing out.
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