Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Fitting My Clipper Out

I'm taking a night off tonight, just chilling out in the lounge in the glow of a white giant star, and decided there is no better time than now to discuss fitting the mighty Imperial Clipper for a journey into deep space.

The first thing to make sure of is she looks stunning. If you must paint her, ensure it is a colour that will accent her already sublime curves. I know, it's lonely out here.

Now onto the important question, and one which will ultimately dictate how she will fly. Will she be a pure explorer, or will you take equipment befitting of an Imperial Baron. By this I mean armed and shielded.

My view on this was simple. If I can carry weapons, I will. If I can carry shields, I will. If I can carry defenses, I will. So while I may not be heavily armed, shielded or defended, I am confident with my speed and fitting I can outlast any encounter with known forces.

I have learned a few things since setting out, and these things have already proved that my current ship configuration needs some work. I fitted a 6D powerplant, where a 5A would have been a better choice. Power output is similar to the 6D but it runs cooler.

I am running a full rack of point defence, on reflection a couple of heat sinks would have been a better choice.

And finally I should probably have left enough for at least 16t cargo. Not because I want to carry stuff, but because the computer is somewhat stupid and does not allow me to select a lower optimal jump range for navigation.

White also really show the dirt up after a while. I may consider a paintjob before I head out again.

So once I have ventured back to civilisation, traded in my data and buffed out the scratches, how will I fit her for the next expedition?

[Imperial Clipper]
L: 3E/G Pulse Laser
L: 3E/G Pulse Laser
M: 2F/G Pulse Laser
M: 2F/G Pulse Laser
U: 0I Heat Sink Launcher
U: 0I Heat Sink Launcher

BH: 1I Lightweight Alloy
RB: 5A Power Plant
TM: 6D Thrusters
FH: 5A Frame Shift Drive
EC: 5D Life Support
PC: 6D Power Distributor
SS: 5D Sensors
FS: 4C Fuel Tank (Capacity: 16)

7: 7C Fuel Scoop
6: 6D Shield Generator
4: 4E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 16)
4: 4A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
3: 3A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
3: 3A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit
2: 1C Detailed Surface Scanner
2: 1C Advanced Discovery Scanner
Cargo : 16 T
Fuel : 16 T
Range : 22.81 LY unladen

I know many explorers will scoff at this fitting, but it feels comfortable to me.

She is a joy to fly, everywhere.

Rikk, signing out.

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