Friday, 13 March 2015

Curses! Computer Malfunction

Short update today.

I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, I had a computer malfunction in hyperspace last night which resulted in my controls going non-responsive on drop out.

Sadly this has ended my quest to get to the galactic core without taking any damage, as I have now got a small amount of damage to my hull from the emergency drop out along with a small amount of heat damage to my ship components.

Most disappointing. Had it been my flying then I'd just shrug it off, but a damn computer fault... curses Still, could have been worse.

On the plus side, I had two systems in a row with worlds that look very much like Earth along with a number of terraforming candidates. This brightened my day up a little.

I'm just under 18,000 Ly from Sagittarius A* (8500ly from home) and overall the journey is going well. I have already passed the Eagle Nebula which I mentioned in my last log entry, initially I planned to go within 100ly of it but that would have put me quite a way off my planned route so I stayed on course.

There is a cluster of nebulae about 2000ly ahead which I intend to fly near. Until then, I shall continue the smooth ride and prey to the frame shift gods that there are no further computer malfunctions.

Rikk, Signing Off.

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