Sunday, 22 March 2015

10,000 to 1000 Light Years

As I have drawn closer to the core my wanderings have become more purposeful. I have not been so willing to deviate from my course to look at water worlds and gas giants. Indeed the only thing that has seen me stop tends to be terrestrial worlds.

I am plotting 300 - 500ly legs and I will stop at or near the end of each one to see what is there and more often than not simply plot another leg and carry on. I have got fixated on my destination, Sagittarius A*

I have still seen a few interesting things. Top of the list is another earth like world only a few thousand LY from the core

This was a particularly pretty earth like and was perfect to get a shot showing the dense galactic rings behind it. Sometimes it is the little things that make a stop worthwhile.

Not much further on from this I was strangely intrigued by a ringed planet that was within scan range while I was scooping. Turns out it was just a rock, but a rock with some very nice looking rings.

Naturally I have to go an have a closer look. Yes, I cruised between the planet and the rings and that was nearly an accident! Just inside the closest white ring was another one which was only visible from a few thousand k out. Slight junk and emergency drop averted!

But I had to go have a closer look. You see, once I stop I tend to have a bloody good look around.

So that's what I was from 10k to 5k Ly out from that massive black hole which is my destination. The next four thousand light years I have been flying non stop. Jump, Scan, Scoop, Engage. With just a quick check of the galaxy map to make sure I'm not jumping into a star nursery.

This is my scoop as I passed the 1000Ly mark. Next destination I set will be Sagittarius A*

Rikk, signing out.
Slightly excited.

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